This place is where I collect worthy knowledge that inspire me and find useful to be a better human.
In the age of AI generated content I'll have to try to focus on the point even more.
As a victim of the Not Invented Here cognitive bias, my ego got it's desired praise from thinking my ideas were original and unique. Took me a while to figure out these ideas are out there, I just have to find who to listen to - how to gauge authenticity. My challenge to listen better.
I hope I can connect to the world around me better, help me integrate good practices into my life.
Doing it Sloww
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
– George Bernard Shaw, Maxim for Revolutionaries [1]
10 Posts
The Cook and the Chef
How people who achieve great things function? What's preventing us to be great? How to beat it?
Gossiping, rumors, backbiting - Toxicity of a workplace
Why are gossips happening, and how to battle it - spoiler: awareness.
Projects vs Areas of Responsibility
Projects are short term challenges with specific goals and deadlines, while areas are long term topics that do not have a clear goals. People tend to gravitate to one of these, but understanding the key differences can be a huge productivity booster.
Building a Second Brain - Excerpt
Probably the most impactful productivity book affecting my life in ways I can not grasp. Instead of trying to memorize everything and beating yourself for feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information it can handle, delegate the storage part to an external tool that you optimize for access, easing your paleolithic brain's everyday task. Smart habits and best practices for note taking, knowledge management, and the creative process.
How to Get Your Brain to Focus
The enemy of focus is not distraction, it's overstimulation. Our mind rewards overstimulation.
Not Invented Here
a list of very useful biases to use as reference
Super Mario Effect - cognitive bias
Shift the perspective to the goal, and not the failure or hardship. Anything that worth something in your life is more likely to be challenging.
Sloww - Meta Ideas of a Meaningful Life
What do you get out of your midlife crisis? This guy started to learn again, this time on his own terms. Inspiring collection of reads about lifestyle design and finding meaning.
Factory Worker Education System
How education should be? What is the problem with our current attitude? Why is the conservative way not acheiving modern goals? Zach Lahn, founder of DaringToWonder school - interview.
Beating Time Scarcity
Not feeling that you have enough, you are enough has a list of negative consequences on how you experience living. But how to beat that? Shifting perspective sounds easy enough, right?